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Everything You Need To Know About Beach Bike Sports Cruisers!

by alexmathew

A popular favorite from the 50s is on its way back, and man is it ever becoming popular again with the whole family! The beach bike sports cruiser is definitely one of the world's most comfortable bikes to ride, no matter if you are a novice, or a bike riding fanatic. Sleek and stylish, it is perfect for twilight rides on the beach, or as a commuter bike for the eco-conscious, these retro honeys are definitely the way to ride today!

 Styles And Designs

 Unlike its predecessors, today's beach bike sports cruisers now come in a larger variety of colors and styles. You can go with completely solid colors throughout, or you can chrome it up in a true retro style. Among the many designs to choose from on these wonderful bikes are the standard, the low rider, the stretch cruisers, and the limos. All designs come with wide, knobby tires for better stability in surf and sand, memory foam seats, and single or triple gears.

 The standard is a direct copy from the original, with the sleeked up chrome accents, and the elongated handlebars. The low rider has an elongated frame that is lower to the ground, and features a banana seat and stretched out handlebars. Like the standard, the stretch cruisers are tricked out in much the same way, but these are built more to fit an adult size frame, rather than a child's. Lastly, the limo is a literal bike built for two, great for teaching young kids to ride, or for that romantic moonlight ride after the kiddies have gone to bed.


One of the most fun things you can do to any beach bike sports cruisers is to accessorize them to suit your personal style. You can change out the standard seat, which is usually in a neutral color, for one in a brighter, stylish color to best suit the frame. Or, to truly go retro, switch it out for a funky banana seat, also available in memory foam.

 Basket liners, along with the wire baskets they go into, can be personalized to reflect any personal themes, including wild colors and sporting themes. A variety of horns and bells are also available, including oversized bulbs on shiny chrome horns, to the huge, donut shaped ringers. Neon tubing for the spokes, streamers and glow in the dark decals can also be used to trick your ride out to your satisfaction.

 Tips For Activities

 Beach bike sports cruisers are designed to run comfortably on sandy beaches, wet shorelines, gravel trails and flat roads. It is not meant to be a substitute for the classic mountain bike, and should not be used on that kind of rough terrains. This doesn't mean that you cannot have fun riding these beauties, on the contrary. The wide, knobby tires are buoyant enough so that they will not get bogged down in wet sand, and will enjoy great traction all over, even on sand hills.

 These bikes are perfect for group riding along the beach, and even going into town. Bike trails, as long as the terrain doesn't get too rough, can also be taken on by these stylish bikes. Racing them through the sand and waves is also a lot of fun, and you can easily set up races, tag games and sprint competitions using these bikes.

Michelle Clarke is a proficient author and writes articles on latest beach bike news. He regularly contributes for the website


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