BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121207T080000Z DTEND:20121207T160000Z LOCATION:Stockton On Tees / North Yorkshire Moors UID: DTSTAMP:20121027T204056Z SUMMARY:Velo29 Endeavour Sportive DESCRIPTION:First 100 Entrants only £15 all routes!! Back for the second year the North Easts most exciting Sportive opens for entries on Thursday 1st December. Even bigger and better than last year, the Endeavour now includes a less challenging short route but of course the brave can still tackle the 35miles challenge route or the 65mile and 95mile routes, the later taking in the infamous Rosedale Chimney with it's 33% gradients and hair-pin bends! Everything apart from the weather has been retained from 2011 including 3 feed zones, GPS down loadable routes, online entries, neutral service, Tour de France style escorted roll out and of course, the great fun atmosphere of all the Velo29 events. Full details of the event are available at PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR