BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140607T080000Z DTEND:20140607T160000Z LOCATION:Edinburgh/Scottish Borders UID: DTSTAMP:20200918T124007Z SUMMARY:Bethany Edinburgh Sportive DESCRIPTION:Come and join us for a non-competitive Sportive leaving Edinburgh and heading through glorious scenery and some 8000ft of climb in the Scottish Borders. This professionally run event is now in its fifth year and benefits from great backup teams, friendly staff and volunteers and fabulous well stocked feed and water station. Entrance is only £30 and we've not put the prices up once since we began in 2009! Every penny raised goes to help homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. This year we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary of helping homeless and vulnerable people across Scotland. We hope this Sportive will be the best turn out yet. Please visit us at www. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR