BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141017T080000Z DTEND:20141017T160000Z LOCATION:Menorca UID: DTSTAMP:20200918T124941Z SUMMARY:Tour of Menorca DESCRIPTION:The 14th Tour of Menorca three-day sportive returns to the tranquil Balearic Island from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 October 2014, and there's still time for you to be there. The event is growing in popularity with UK riders, with many returning year on year to sample the friendly atmosphere, good weather and stunning scenery the island has to offer. It's a memorable and relatively relaxed way to end your cycling season in the sun, but with enough of a challenge to keep you motivated. The sportive takes place over three days with each day taking a different route out and back from the island's capital, Mahon, where the event is based. There is rolling road closures with police and motorcycle outriders, lead car, mechanical and medical back up on route, a broom wagon and feed stops each day. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR