BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150322T080000Z DTEND:20150322T160000Z LOCATION:Somerset UID: DTSTAMP:20150406T235812Z SUMMARY:Grand Tour Somerset Sportive DESCRIPTION:Join GTC on our annual Sportive Event - here on our home patch, riding on our fave roads, over our fave hills, and ahem, right past some of our favourite cafes. No time for stopping on this whistlestop tour though. You'll need to keep up the pace to get all the way around this 102 mile wonder ride. Including the majesty of the Mendips, the Quality of the Quantocks, the Exquisiteness of Exmoor, and the ... oh you know - the downright dastardly final climb up on to the Blackdowns - this is a true test of grit and determination. Four classic ranges of hills, and some truly epic riding... PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR