BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160207T080000Z DTEND:20160207T160000Z LOCATION:Bristol UID: DTSTAMP:20181228T181426Z SUMMARY:Evans Cycles RIDE IT Bristol Sportive DESCRIPTION:Back for its second year running, this is an exciting ride that promises to be the perfect winter outing for all levels of road cyclist. Starting just south of Bristol, we're ideally placed for a scenic and challenging day in the saddle. The first part of the route will take riders towards the coast, before heading south towards the Mendip Hills. Cheddar Gorge (amongst others) awaits, before a final stretch through the stunning Chew Valley. The natural contours of this area (hills!) are difficult to avoid, but an abundance of beautiful English countryside and quiet roads make for a great day's riding. As with all RIDE IT classic events there will be a choice of route distances, High5 feed stations, friendly staff and a plentiful supply of cake! PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR