BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160214T080000Z DTEND:20160214T160000Z LOCATION:London UID: DTSTAMP:20181228T181436Z SUMMARY:Evans Cycles RIDE IT London Bike Show Sportive SUNDAY DESCRIPTION:RIDE IT have joined up with the London Bike Show to give you a full biking day! Come along early to beat all the traffic and join us for a 60mile Sportive, long enough for a decent ride but short enough to get you back in time to go and explore the Bike Show and ogle all the nice shiny stuff that you really do need. The £30 price includes the RIDE IT and full entry to the show, a saving of £10 on the combined ticket price. And we'll even throw in a goody bag from the show. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR