BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180701T080000Z DTEND:20180701T160000Z LOCATION:Southwold UID: DTSTAMP:20191106T164127Z SUMMARY:OVO Energy Tour Ride supporting Breast Cancer Care DESCRIPTION:The 2018 OVO Energy Tour Ride sportive provides cycling enthusiasts with the opportunity to ride a route inspired by Stage One of the 2018 OVO Energy Women's Tour in Suffolk. Open to male and female riders of any ability, this is the perfect opportunity to ride along the same roads as world champions and top professionals. With two routes - 30 and 80 miles - available across largely flat terrain, participants of all levels of experience can enjoy a great day of cycling while fundraising on behalf of Breast Cancer Care. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR