BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191027T080000Z DTEND:20191027T160000Z LOCATION:Wiltshire College UID: DTSTAMP:20200920T193522Z SUMMARY:RIDE IT Wiltshire Road Sportive DESCRIPTION:RIDE IT is a series of non-competitive cycle events taking place across the country and aimed at riders of all abilities. At every ride you'll find a choice of fully waymarked routes, well stocked feed stations sponsored by High 5 Sports Nutrition, mechanical and sweeper van support if things go wrong, electronic chip timing to record your ride and a finishers medal waiting for you at the end. A popular area for cyclists, the Wiltshire Downs offer spectacular riding in an area steeped in history and entrenched in beauty. Starting from Wiltshire College, this location has enabled us to produce a fantastic route that explores the best of the northern part of the county. The ride is predominantly undulating countryside, but will of course throw up a few hills along the way. We'll take in some of the best landmarks in the area, including the famous Wiltshire White Horses and Hackpen Hill. The Vale of Pewsey and the Marlborough Downs will provide an array of classic Southern English scenery, for what is set to be another great day of road cycling. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR