BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200809T080000Z DTEND:20200809T160000Z LOCATION:Thirsk Racecourse UID: DTSTAMP:20210624T203929Z SUMMARY:Ride Yorkshire 2020 DESCRIPTION:Starting out north and heading through the Vale of Mowbray, the Ride Yorkshire Sportive covers some easy miles on the gently rolling terrain until you reach the market town of Northallerton where riders will head west to cross the river Swale, and head on over to Leeming Bar then south on to the first split of the day just outside Carthorpe. Here our course splits for the first time where the short route riders continue on the flat miles east, while the standard and epic riders push out further south and onto Masham. At this point, the standard and epic group push further south for some punishing climbs and fantastic scenery. Riders on these routes will skirt the edge of Leighton Reservoir at which point the real climbing begins heading straight for Ouster Bank trig point. A technical descent awaits after the summit as you drop down into Nidderdale via the village of Lofthouse, here you will be rewarded for your efforts with a ride along the river Nidd and the Gouthwaite Reservoir all the way to Pateley Bridge. Epic riders continue south here for a particularly challenging climb up Red Brae Bank, while standard rider take a short sharp climb through the centre offsets this beautiful Yorkshire town, to rejoin the back end of the epic loop before heading north up over Pateley Moor en route back to Masham to rejoin the rest of the ride. Now on the home straight, expect some easy miles as you head east for the finish in Thirsk. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR