BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200418T080000Z DTEND:20200418T160000Z LOCATION:Exeter Racecourse, Devon UID: DTSTAMP:20210228T181507Z SUMMARY:Haldon Heroic CX Sportive DESCRIPTION:The Haldon Heroic CX Sportive, now in it's 6th year, will take place from Exeter Racecourse on Saturday 18th April 2020. Places are limited to 300 across the three routes. The Haldon Heroic course has been specifically designed as a Sportive for the Cyclocross or Gravel Bike rider. However it is equally suitable for XC and MTB Bikes. The Haldon Heroic offers you a choice of three routes. The CX-Micro (15 miles), the CX-Medio (37 miles) and the CX-Mega (51 miles). The Haldon Heroic routes use a mixture of Devon Country Lanes, Green Lanes, Bridelways, Forestry Tracks, and Open Common. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR