BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201115T080000Z DTEND:20201115T160000Z LOCATION:Essex UID: DTSTAMP:20210621T015732Z SUMMARY:The Essex Season Ender DESCRIPTION:As the Cycling season draws to a close, good Sportives are becoming harder and harder to find. If like us you don't want to lose your form over the winter, you'll be looking for a November ride that is challenging yet suitable for the Autumnal conditions. We have the ride for you! The Essex Season Ender takes place on Sunday the 13th of November 2016, covering roads that can be thoroughly enjoyed at any time of year. We've worked hard to take this route through some beautiful countryside that can be enjoyed by all, at the same time minimising junctions and crossings so that all you fast people can get a real rhythm going. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR