BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110807T080000Z DTEND:20110807T160000Z LOCATION:North York Moors and Ryedale UID: DTSTAMP:20210419T132332Z SUMMARY:The Ryedale Rumble DESCRIPTION:Popular with riders once again the Ryedale Rumble takes to the North York Moors, the Howardian Hills and Ryedale in a stunning contrast of scenery and quiet roads. Three routes are on offer at 110.6 miles, 70.6 miles and 48.6 miles. The long route takes in the now traditional monument climbs of Boltby Bank, Blakey Bank, Rosedale Chimney Bank and the more recently introduced Caper Hill that winds its way over Glaisdale. Once agian the event features well stocked feed stations. This year also sees the event supporting Help for Heroes, with individual sponsorship available. Entries close on the 1st August and can be made online via PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR