BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110101T080000Z DTEND:20110101T160000Z LOCATION:Knowsley Village Hall, Merseyside UID: DTSTAMP:20111223T181454Z SUMMARY:Ken Hill Cycle Challenge DESCRIPTION:The Ken Hill Cycle Challenge covers 70 miles through some of Lancashires country lanes, with some testing climbs such as Winters hill, Anglezarke, Hunters hill, Bank top brow and crow lane with a gentle last 15 mile run to the finish at the HQ at Knowsley Village hall. For the less adventurous rider there is also an option to have a gentle ride to the finish following the climb of anklezarke by missing the last 3 small climbs and rejoining the route as the riders descend Ashurst beacon to the finish. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR