BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120701T080000Z DTEND:20120701T160000Z LOCATION:Bridgnorth UID: DTSTAMP:20120701T161721Z SUMMARY:Shropshire Hills Sportives DESCRIPTION:Entries are now open for the 2012 Shropshire Hills Sportive starting from Bridgnorth in Shropshire. These follow on from the popular 2011 events that saw 200 riders take in some of the best scenery the county has to offer and tackle some of the hardest climbs. Like last time, the High Street will be closed to traffic for the day so riders will be able to sign on, start, finish and then relax in the company of other riders without being buzzed by cars. Take a load off, have a seat and watch the other riders come in. We aim to keep all the good points from the 2011 event, including the spectacular weather, but improve those few areas where we can make things better. Whilst the 100mile and 50mile routes will be broadly similar, we have made some minor route adjustments in reaction to feedback to make them even more rider friendly. We are also adding an ‘inbetweener’. A 70mile middle child between Big Brother 100 and the baby boy 50. Please welcome him to the family. You told us the feedstations worked a treat so we’re keeping them at Caynham, Stiperstones and Leighton. The 100 will take them all in whilst the Inbetweener will include the stops at Caynham and Leighton. We had half a dozen ‘terminal’ mechanicals out on the courses in 2011. We got everybody back. Some in a chauffeur driven 5 series BMW – some got Ron in the van. Luck of the draw I guess. We’ll do the same thing in 2012 but for your own peace of mind, if you want a mechanic out to get you going again or a guaranteed lift back in we’ll offer you that as an option. You told us you liked the motorcycle marshals and the signage. One rider described the sheer joy of seeing a marshal with spare tubes and tyres from our sponsor Schwalbe on the Long Mynd after a double puncture. The track pump was an added bonus! All retained for 2012. We had some top-notch kick ass goody bags and prizes last year. We’ll do the same again for you. Promise. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR