BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120429T080000Z DTEND:20120429T160000Z LOCATION:Naseby, Northants UID: DTSTAMP:20120428T213737Z SUMMARY:Squires and Spires 2012 DESCRIPTION:The Squires and Spires Cyclosportive takes place through the rolling Northamptonshire countryside and passes through many beautiful villages which are steeped in history. The theme of the squires and spires will take riders on a tour past many country houses, including Althorpe House (home of the Spencer family and resting place of Princess Diana) and Cottesbrooke Hall (the inspiration for Jane Austen's 'Mansfield Park'). The route is littered with ancient churches dating back to the 13th century and passes through numerous villages made famous by the English Civil war. Northamptonshire is not renown for its mountains or extreme terrain. It is perhaps for this reason that so many of the riders are surprised by how tough the route proved to be, especially the final third of the course. With two routes available; The Duchess (78miles) or The Maid (50miles), it makes the event suitable for all, especially with its early season status. We had over 700 riders in 2010 and expect to exceed that number in 2011... PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR