BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140629T080000Z DTEND:20140629T160000Z LOCATION:Dieppe UID: DTSTAMP:20220812T195613Z SUMMARY:Dieppe Raid 140k or 200k DESCRIPTION:The Dieppe Raid has been taking place annually since 1972 when it was started by Neville Chanin. It is organised in conjunction with Dieppe CC who plan the routes and welcome us to their town. Events include: 30k, 60k, 100k, 140k and 200k. Dieppe is surrounded by beautiful rolling countryside and Dieppe town has a wide variety of accommodation, restaurants and bars. There is a large modern marina, a castle and a modern outdoor pool with indoor facilities for all ages. The organised rides take place on the Sunday but there is a welcome reception on the Saturday and an optional celebratory meal on the Sunday evening (numbers limited to 120). All route sheets are provided so cyclists often take the opportunity to cycle other routes during their stay. A wide range of awards are distributed to encourage both young and old, club cyclists and distance riders. Group travel tickets are available on the Newhaven -Dieppe crossing, departing on Saturday 29th June and returning on either the Monday or Wednesday. Many prefer to make their own travel arrangements - see website for more details. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR