BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140119T080000Z DTEND:20140119T160000Z LOCATION:Kings Langley, Hertfordshire UID: DTSTAMP:20200807T220356Z SUMMARY:Harp Hilly Hundred Reliability Ride DESCRIPTION:The Harp Hilly Hundred Reliability Trial is the first event in the Chiltern Classics series, organised by the Harp Road Club, it has been run every year since its inception in 1954. Recognised as one of the harder reliability trials in the area, because of the unrelenting terrain through the Chilterns. The full route is 100 kms with a shorter option of 55 kms for those who dont feel they are fit enough for the full distance. This event is a 'Reliability Ride', not a race, you are expected to complete the course at an average speed of between 12.5mph & 18mph. That is 3½hrs to 5hrs for the Harp Hilly Hundred and 2hrs to 3hrs for the 55km reliability. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR