BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141005T080000Z DTEND:20141005T160000Z LOCATION:Loughborough UID: DTSTAMP:20221001T154501Z SUMMARY:Tour of the National Forest Sportive Autumn Challenge DESCRIPTION:We have three routes which will all be fully signed 65 Km, 100 Km and 160 Km. All three routes offer a challenging ride through the heart of the East Midlands, winding its way through the quiet country lanes located throughout the National Forest. All three routes are centred around the Charnwood Forest, an area of ancient woodland located just outside Loughborough famed for a number of country parks including Bradgate Park and Beacon Hill. The 100 Km route guides you through the picturesque villages and country lanes around Bosworth Battlefield and Thornton Reservoir. The 160 Km route explores the Ticknall and Staunton Harold Reservoir near Calke Abbey, a well preserved National Trust property. The feedback from our previous sportive in May was extremely good, and therefore we are promoting another one! Our previous event SOLD out, please enter early to avoid disappointment. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR