BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140526T080000Z DTEND:20140526T160000Z LOCATION:Kent UID: DTSTAMP:20140525T083941Z SUMMARY:Lord Whisky Cyclo-Sportive DESCRIPTION:The Lord Whisky Cyclo-Sportive will take place on Bank Holiday Monday 26th May 2014. The course is fully signed and on quite roads, including the North Downs and Romney Marsh (with a few hills!). You can ride distances of 80kms (50 miles) or 116kms (72 miles). The event will start and finish at the Park House Animal Sanctuary in Stelling Minnis. There is lots of free parking 50 metres from the start. All proceeds from this event will go to the Lord Whisky Sanctuary Fund a registered charity. (No. 283483) PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR