BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110626T080000Z DTEND:20110626T160000Z LOCATION:Dartmoor National Park UID: DTSTAMP:20220926T173855Z SUMMARY:The Dartmoor Classic DESCRIPTION:By the end of January, all 2500 places in the Dartmoor Classic were filled, with over a dozen nationalities represented in the UCI ratified international fixture. This is the 5th year that the event has been completely sold-out months ahead of the big day. The message is now very clear; if you want a ride, in what many acknowledge to be " The best sportive in the U.K.", you need to enter as early as possible. The on-line registration system for next years event will open later this year. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR