BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141116T080000Z DTEND:20141116T160000Z LOCATION:Haversham UID: DTSTAMP:20211024T202054Z SUMMARY:Birdy Bunch MK Late Autumn Sportive DESCRIPTION:This event is in support of the Charity 'Shine'. Shine is a registered charity, which was formed in 1966, to help families and individuals affected by Spina bifida and Hydrocephalus. This is a charity close to our hearts after loosing our son Harry to this in 2001. Both routes take you straight into spectacular countryside then on through villages on mainly quiet country roads suitable for all abilities. Two routes are available, 40 miles and 56 miles. Both routes follow the same roads with the longer route doing an additional 16 mile loop before re-joining the medium route for the last 30 miles, allowing groups and friends to ride together for some of the ride. A food and water stop en-route will be available with our famous sausage rolls, home made flap jacks and banana loaf. A selection of homemade cakes and refreshments will also be at the HQ before and after the event. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR