BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150606T080000Z DTEND:20150606T160000Z LOCATION:Thorne UID: DTSTAMP:20211129T170848Z SUMMARY:Flat n Fast 100 DESCRIPTION:£18.75 / single event or £49.50 for series of 3. Win a brand new carbon fibre road or TT bike, courtesy of Planet X! Sportive HQ specialises in high quality events at budget event cost. Free photo downloads from Adie Turford ( official photographer of team Haribo Beacon. Flat n Fast 100 is the first sportive of the Sportive HQ 100 series, a series that gets tougher throughout the season. Flat n Fast offers novice riders the chance to complete their first 100 mile or 100km route on a relatively easy course whereas the more experienced riders can achieve a personal best time on a 100 mile event. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR