BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150606T080000Z DTEND:20150606T160000Z LOCATION:South East UID: DTSTAMP:20220701T050001Z SUMMARY:NSPCC Tour of the South East DESCRIPTION:The NSPCC Tour of the South East is a tough, truly distinctive, 170-mile multi-stage sportive that offers YOU the ultimate pro-rider experience. Snaking through the region's most beautiful countryside and featuring both North and South Downs, with a timed climb of Leith Hill, optional TT and sections of closed or private road, including exclusive access to the stunning Denbies Estate, you'll ride in seeded groups, escorted by motorcycle outriders and serviced by domestiques, with back up from an experienced crew of mechanics and soigneurs. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR