BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160604T080000Z DTEND:20160604T160000Z LOCATION:Oxfordshire UID: DTSTAMP:20160525T192131Z SUMMARY:Ridgeway Rouleur Sportive DESCRIPTION:Departing from the Kassam Stadium, home of Oxford United FC, the UKCE Ridgeway Rouleur offers the best of Oxfordshire's stunning rolling countryside, passing through picturesque villages filled with quaint cottages and impressive manor houses. Standard and Epic course riders head west straight away, making their way up the iconic landscape of the Wittenham Clumps, with stunning panoramic views of south Oxfordshire, before crossing the River Thames and winding out through small villages on quiet roads. From Woolstone to Wantage, the Standard and Epic routes wind along and across the Ridgeway - Britain's oldest road - which has been used by both ancient and modern traffic for more than 5,000 years. At the village of Uffington, riders are rewarded with a spectacular view of the mystical White Horse chalk remains. While the short route passes through Wallingford, the best surviving Saxon Fortified town in England, all routes head towards Watlington, an area standing between the Vale of Oxford and the steep slopes of the Chilterns, Epic riders head towards the chalk grassland of Aston Rowant Nature Reserve before looping back below the traditional market town of Thame. All routes rejoin and head back towards Oxford passing Chalgrove Airfield, next to a civil war battle site. With rolling quiet roads, and superb views across areas steeped in history, the Ridgeway Rouleur presents an ideal sportive to take in the very best areas of Oxfordshire while giving your all on the mixed terrain in the area. See more at: PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR