BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160619T080000Z DTEND:20160619T160000Z LOCATION:Mercantour National Park, Guillaumes UID: DTSTAMP:20201023T071252Z SUMMARY:La Mercan'Tour Cafe du Cycliste 2016 DESCRIPTION:LA MERCAN'TOUR CAFÉ DU CYCLISTE 2016 Once the hunting preserve of Piedmont royalty, the Mercantour National Park extends across almost eighteen thousand acres and rises to reach a height of more than three thousand metres at the summit of Gélas. A stunning slice of the Southern Alps and the home to a wholly natural menagerie that includes ibex, marmots, wolves, golden eagles and bearded vultures. All within glimpsing distance of the blue waters of the Mediterranean sea. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR