BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160918T080000Z DTEND:20160918T160000Z LOCATION:Markeaton Park, Derby UID: DTSTAMP:20160606T022318Z SUMMARY:Cycle Derby North Derbyshire Challenge Sportive 2016 DESCRIPTION:The Cycle Derby North Derbyshire Challenge Sportive starts on the outskirts of Derby and heads north to take in the spectacular scenery of the Peak District The distances are 160k, 80k and 40k. Our stunning routes have been put together by the Cycle Derby team and cater for all ability levels. Our 40k routes are ideal for more recreational riders, while our 80k and160k rides have been devised to challenge experienced and competitive cyclists. Individual entries are £25 for 40km and £35 for 80km and 160km Sportives. Team entries of between 4 and 9 people get a £10 discount. Team entries of 10 and over get a £30 discount. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR