BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171008T080000Z DTEND:20171008T160000Z LOCATION:Allenburys Sports & Social Club Priory St, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 0DJ UID: DTSTAMP:20211127T211306Z SUMMARY:Ware's Essex? DESCRIPTION:The Ware's Essex Sportive covers territory never before seen on a SportiveUK event. We've chosen to start this ride from Ware at the fantastically located HQ of Allenburys Sports Club. From here you'll have easy access to the countryside, heading over from the East of Hertfordshire in to the west of Essex, carving your way through the centre of the County taking in picturesque village like Finchingfield (voted one of England's prettiest villages)! Not only that but the Autumn colours are spectacular at this time of the year. Making for a memorable ride. Many have commented that the route map resembles a snake, like a 100 mile long serpent. This may be the last chance for you to get a 100 miles in before winter rears it's ugly head. Four routes to choose from: Long - 100 miles Medium - 70 miles Short - 40 miles Fun - 18 miles Early Sign ups receive a free nutrition pack and 750ml Bottle. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR