BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180701T080000Z DTEND:20180701T160000Z LOCATION:Redourn, St Albans UID: DTSTAMP:20190806T024352Z SUMMARY:Redbourn Road Rider DESCRIPTION:Redbourn is a wonderful little village with a rich cycling heritage. It's easily accessible from London and the surrounding areas by both road and rail. We've put together 3 spectacular routes that we feel will suit most levels. With the buzz of the crowd and being part of something bigger than your usual group ride, this organised bike event will allow you to push the boundaries of your usual comfort zones, knowing you'll be supported both in the well stocked feed stops and in your mechanical needs. Coupled with the last day of the Tour de France, you'll certainly be fired up and raring to get on your bike after having watched the pros battling it out for 3 weeks. There'll even be enough time to get home for the evening proceedings where hopefully it'll be a GB rider topping the podium. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR