BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181006T080000Z DTEND:20181006T160000Z LOCATION:Swellendam UID: DTSTAMP:20211127T205738Z SUMMARY:The Rainmaker Rollercoaster DESCRIPTION:the rainmaker rollercoaster is coming .... The World's First 7-day Point to Point Gravel Stage Race 6 - 12 October 2018 The Rainmaker Rollercoaster offers riders the chance to race 550km with 8000m of climbing across the Western Cape in teams of two, or ride in small groups supported by the HotChillee Ride Captains. The event will be open to mountain bikes as well, but the parcours will suit the speed of a gravel bike. There will be jersey and age category awards. It will start with a sunset time trial in the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam, a few hours drive from Cape Town and finish in Plettenberg Bay on the iconic Garden Route. With a distance of 500km+ it covers some of the world's most varied and stunning scenery. The route follows gravel roads and trails of the farmlands in Swellendam, into the semi desert of the Little Karoo, along the lush Garden Route, through the Knysna forest and finishes at the breathtaking coast of Plettenberg Bay. PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR