BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200209T080000Z DTEND:20200209T160000Z LOCATION:SN6 6PH UID: DTSTAMP:20210621T030200Z SUMMARY:Performance Cycles Winter Mini-Sportive - October 2019 DESCRIPTION:The summer is coming to an end, which (sadly) means winter is just around the corner - and we know that as the weather gets worse it gets harder and harder to get yourself out for those all important winter miles. So we're pleased to say that the ever popular Performance Cycles Winter Mini-Sportive series is back for it's 10th season. The series of six 'mini-Sportives' to take us through the winter - with one event a month taking place in October, November, December, January, February and March. The format is designed to be simple, and cheap!! There will be no electronic timing or feed stations, and the routes won't be the gut busting ones you'd expect in the height of summer - but other than that, they'll be everything else you expect from a sportive. With a well marked route, mechanical back-up, free energy products for each rider and much more. And when you get back from each ride, there will be hot drinks and food waiting for you. Each event will be limited to 160 riders, and will cost just £9.50 to enter. And with ride distances being between 45 and 65 miles (two route options on each event) they are the ideal way to make sure you continue to get those big rides in at least once a month. EVENT VENUE: The Performance Cycles Winter Mini-Sportive Series starts and finishes in the heart of the Cotswold Water Park in the village of Ashton Keynes, at the following address: Bradstone Pavilion 8 Rixon Gate Ashton Keynes Wiltshire SN6 6PH PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR