BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200418T080000Z DTEND:20200418T160000Z LOCATION:Somerley Estate UID: DTSTAMP:20210924T040923Z SUMMARY:*POSTPONED* - New forest Spring Sportive Saturday 2020 DESCRIPTION:EVENT POSTPONED: UPDATED 17/03/2020 It is with great sadness that we have today made the difficult but responsible decision to postpone this event, due to the ongoing situation regarding the Coronavirus. We have been monitoring all government recommendations and therefore based on the latest information and in the interest of staff and rider safety and putting the greater needs of the wider community at the forefront, it's the most responsible thing to do. We ask for your patience while we evaluate the next steps in this ever-changing situation. We will aim to be in touch with you again via email within the next 72 hours regarding the ride credit, transfer or refund options available. The New Forest Spring Sportive is one of our most popular events and has become a welcome start-of-season test for for many cyclists. Due to its popularity, the event runs on both a Saturday and Sunday - and usually sells out before the day. Take this as a sign that you'll get your cycling fill from this sportive, which takes in much of the stunning New Forest on the route. As you ride and take in the views in the rolling scenery, there will be a number of hills to challenge your legs - plus a test to come near the end - with short and sharp climbs popping up every now and again to keep you on your toes. Beautiful New Forest villages of Sway, Beaulieu and Lepe are passed through before you head north and back into the centre of the district. Quickly in and out of central point Lyndhurst, you'll soon take on the events major climb of the day, just outside Nomansland. It's steep, but fairly short, so you should be able to dispose of this quickly and continue on your way. From here, it's downhill all the way - with one spiky hill exception around Stuckton and the final feed stop - as you roll back around the edges of the Forest, towards Ringwood, and claim your medal at the finish line." PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR