BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200920T080000Z DTEND:20200920T160000Z LOCATION:Graubunden UID: DTSTAMP:20210730T110535Z SUMMARY:HotChillee Suisse Gravel Explorer DESCRIPTION:The next HotChillee gravel cycling adventure takes us to the Swiss Canton of Graubünden, where the Rhine begins its course and where we will be based to explore the lesser known trails through the Alps. This is a challenging multi day event over mixed terrain in the most beautiful setting with a mixture of silky smooth tarmac, lots of gravel and even wooded forest trails. The stages are short but packed full of mountain ascents so we've rated this one a 10/10 difficulty! PRIORITY:1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR