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Manchester 100

02/09/2012 - Manchester - Charity Ride

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A great 'Century' ride - a 100 mile or 100km route along beautiful lanes through a wide sweep of Cheshire, helping to raise funds for the Christie Hospital.

Starting and finishing at Wythenshawe Park, Manchester, the route heads first to Northwich, taking in Delamere Forest and Nantwich (the half way point) for lunch before heading back through Middlewich to the Finish.

Event Website

HQ/Start Address
Address Line 1 Wythenshawe Park
Address Line 2 .
Town Manchester
County Lancashire
Postcode M23 0AB
Event Facilities
Adequate Car Parking Facilities Adequate Car Parking Facilities
Food & Drink (Pre/Post Event) Food & Drink (Pre/Post Event)
Sign-on at HQ Sign-on at HQ

Support for Participants
Route card with emergency contact details Route card with emergency contact details
SAG wagon following laster rider(s) SAG wagon following laster rider(s)

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