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Farnham Cycle Challenge

10/05/2015 - Farnham Park, Surrey, GU9 0AU - Sportive

Weeks to go until event: less than 5 weeks

Rating: Rate this Event Now

There are 3 routes to choose from. All will follow the same route along quiet country lanes until the first feedstation in Long Sutton. Here the course splits. The medium and long course continues on deeper into Hampshire, until the next split where the Long course heads west while the medium course continues south west to the second feedstation in Lasham. Eventually the long course will re join the medium course and then onto the short route. From then on, all courses stay on the county borders and weaves their way back to the finish in Farnham.

All routes will be chip timed and fully supported by mobile mechanics, manned feedstations, patrolling first aid, marshals on motorbikes and a broom wagon.

All routes are undulating...

Entry on the day will be more than entering online prior to the event date.

There is also a kids cycle ride around the park. Kids must be accompanied by an adult and will be seeking to complete as many 1.4 mile (2.2km) laps as possible in 1 hour. On grass and some tarmac, the lap is predomiantly flat but with a gentle descent. Therefore there will be a gentle ascent... 

Event Website

HQ/Start Address
Address Line 1 Farnham Park
Address Line 2 Castle Street
Town Farnham
County Surrey
Postcode GU9 0AU
Event Facilities
Adequate Car Parking Facilities Adequate Car Parking Facilities
Food & Drink (Pre/Post Event) Food & Drink (Pre/Post Event)
Sign-on at HQ Sign-on at HQ

Support for Participants
Route card with emergency contact details Route card with emergency contact details
SAG wagon following laster rider(s) SAG wagon following laster rider(s)

Organiser Details
Name rory macpherson
Phone 441306731305
Address Line 1 Kelly's storage
Address Line 2 Westfield Rd
Town Slyfield Industrial Estate
County Surrey
Postcode GU1 1SB

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