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Ride of the Falling Leaves 2014

05/10/2014 - Dulwich, Surrey and Kent - Sportive

Rating: Rate this Event Now
Previous Years Rating: 82.0% based on 7 reviews

Previous Years Event Ratings

Rated Event: 88.889%

johnjohn wrote:

A deceptively tough course that has a couple of climbs early on followed by a flattish 50km route into Kent. The sting in the tail comes in the last third with Toys, Chartwell and Sundridge Hills in quick succession. A pitstop was provided in Westerham (water, flap-jack, bananas but no toilets).
Still more sharp hills followed with a quick steep rise into Downe and eventually a long 3km rise up from Elmers End to Crystal Palace which ramps up to its steepest at the top. From here though it's all down hill to a well deserved drink and food at the finish. Extra points to the organisers for a providing a vegan option!

Rated Event: 67.778%


Overall a good event. We missed a turn in Westerham as did quite a few others, I think its hard to see signs sometimes in a busy little town when you're watching traffic and pedestrians. The Only other downside was the road after Westerham whish was basically a few hundred metres of cow shit covered track covered as in slurry and no sign of road through it.. This should be avoided, I spent the rest of the route worrying what had splashed onto my water bottles. On the plus side the refreshments at the finish were superb and with a couple of changes this could easily be a 100% rating.

Rated Event: 91.111%

Herbie wrote:

Historic start, with interesting and well chosen route out of South London. Then some tough climbing until about 20 miles, followed by respite but still quite a few Wealden hills. Beautiful views and mostly fair roads, with a rough muddy track thrown in after Westerham for some Paris-Roubaix character. Then a return to the hills with Toys and Sundridge being the toughest. The route retraced the South London leg out, and although it had got a lot busier, the roads generally had a bus/cycle lane which made it OK. After all the Surrey and Kent hills the drag to Crystal Palace was embarassingly and unexpectedly tough! Really well thought out and run event - thanks.

Rated Event: 84.360%

haggisinlondon wrote:

Very good ride, my first sportive and really enjoyed it. Very friendly organisers and the pasta and drink afterwards were well enjoying while lying on the field recovering. Will do this next year.

Rated Event: 88.800%


Great event and the pasta at the end was a welcome change from the norm of cakes. Route was challenging, on quiet roads and the weather was superb too.
Definitely back next year!

Rated Event: 89.910%


My favourite sportive of the season. Organisation was excellent and signing on was a breeze. A very friendly bunch of riders so some good groups formed and helped keep the pace high. No feed stop but the long route was only 105 km so it wasn't essential. The free beer and plate of pasta at the end was most welcome.

Rated Event: 63.270%


I'd strongly recommend the organisers consider start line refreshments. Starting from London encourages many riders to ride to the event but there's nowhere to fill up water bottles or have a cup of coffee whilst waiting for friends. Likewise, a feed stop (with at least fluids) would be good. There were a few village greens that looked like the perfect location.

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