Rated Event: 96.667%
JonathanJones wrote:
Two things make this sportive stand out: closed roads and the, erm, lumpy route.
First, the roads. For the first few miles from the start most people kept carefully to the left as if expecting a speeding 4x4 to hurtle toward them if they dared to cross the white line. Then the penny dropped, and the beauty of a closed road route dawned on everyone: pelotons can be several riders abreast, overtaking is never restricted by traffic and, best of all, you can take the highest speed line line on blind corners during descents.
The ride is largely on single lane back roads. That works well - few of the natural lumps in the landscape are smoothed out, giving a lot of short, reassuringly sharp climbs. The narrow roads and often uneven surface also made the descents more fun, especially for anyone with a slight leaning towards the MTB.
There's essentially no flat riding on the route. The whole ride is either an ascent or a descent, and that's a massive plus if you love hills and hate tedious flat bits. If you don't like hills, don't go - but you knew that anyway.
As expected, the scenery was stunning. with plenty of craggy hills and panoramic vistas. We had to look out for sheep on the roads, but that's Wales for you!
Organisation was fantastic, with the only slight problem being traffic delays getting into the site. Feed stations were ridiculously frequent, well stocked and with manageable queues.
I'd expected the locals to feel grumpy about road closures, but, instead of being sulkily trapped in their houses, many people stood in their gardens and cheered as we went by. If you're reading this, thank you!
The day was a huge success. It's been added to my list of 'must do' rides for next year.