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Drumlanrig Tearfund Challenge

05/05/2018 - Drumlanrig Castle, Dumfries, Scotland - Sportive

Days to go until event: 3

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The Tearfund Drumlanrig challenge is organised and supported by members of churches from Dumfries and Nithsdale. Their aim is to provide participants with a memorable and enjoyable cycling challenge in the glorious scenery and traffic free roads around Drumlanrig Castle, and at the same time raise funds for Tearfund. Tearfund is a Christian charity dedicated to bringing relief, hope and a future to some of the world's poorest communities and to those suffering from natural and man-made disasters

Participants have the choice of an 81 miles, 57 miles or a 27 miles cycling challenge. Whatever route you choose you have the added challenge of tackling the copious supplies of sandwiches and home baking provided by the church members at the feed stations. The short route will not be timed and is intended for those who don't want to rush.

The entry fee has been kept low, but there is an option to add a further donation to Tearfund. The bulk of your entry also goes to Tearfund.

You can see examples of the valuable life changing work of Tearfund at  please give generously. ALL of your donation will be passed on to Tearfund.

All enquiries regarding entries to Drumlanrig Tearfund Challenge

Event Website

HQ/Start Address
Address Line 1 Drumlanrig castle
Address Line 2 Thornhill
Town dumfries
County Dumfries and Galloway
Postcode DG3 4AQ
Event Facilities
Adequate Car Parking Facilities Adequate Car Parking Facilities
Food & Drink (Pre/Post Event) Food & Drink (Pre/Post Event)
Sign-on at HQ Sign-on at HQ

Support for Participants
Route card with emergency contact details Route card with emergency contact details
SAG wagon following laster rider(s) SAG wagon following laster rider(s)

Organiser Details
Name dave moss
Phone 01387263994
Address Line 2 33 Rowanbank Road
Town Dumfries
County Dumfries and Galloway
Postcode DG1 1HD

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